Last time Beatles together?

Beatles final meeting? The last time we can be certain that all four Beatles met together was for the final recording sessions for Abbey Road. This took place between on Wednesday 20 August, when various tracks were finished, including 'Here Comes the Sun' and, fittingly 'The End'. Two days later they completed their final final official engagement together - a photoshoot which was held at the new Lennon-Ono residence Tittenhurst Park in Ascot - see here . At the end, they wandered away in different directions. The Meeting With recording duties completed, they were pretty much done. Only a final round of business meetings forced them them to meet again. The key one was on September 20. This was when Alan Klein, now representing John, Paul and Ringo presented the new contract he had negotiated with Capitol Records. George was absent. Despite the smiling publicity shot, the atmosphere was tense. At one point John announced that he was leavi...