The Fifth Beatle: Jimmy Nichol?

In June 1964, The Beatles were preparing for their first world tour. During the pre-tour photoshoot, Ringo Starr was suddenly taken ill and began vomiting violently. The stricken drummer rushed to University College Hospital where there was good and bad news. The diagnosis was severe tonsillitis - unpleasant but not serious. The bad news was that recovery would take an estimated ten days. This meant that Ringo would miss the first stage of the tour. Brian Epstein reacted with characteristic resourcefulness. 'We've got a temporary replacement,' he announced. 'Jimmy Nichol'. Jimmy who? 'The ex-Shubdubs drummer. Now with the Blue Flames.' The name still wasn't ringing any bells. But within a day Jimmy Nichol was getting his Beatle haircut and being measured for his Beatle suit. Read more The Beatles Teaching Pack '